National Regeneration Movement is a Second Freedom Struggle promoted by Dharma Bharathi, a Socio – Spiritual Federation for New Indian Renaissance and Global Peace. It has its genesis in the National Regeneration Campaign initiated by Dharma Bharathi during the Golden Jubliee of Indian Independence. Dharma Bharathi was founded in 1990 by Swami Sachidanand Bharathi , a former Indian Air Force Officer whose life underwent a radical transformation following a near death experience in an aircrash. Dharma Bharathi is recognized by the United Nations as a socio – spiritual organization working for a culture of peace and was one of the participating organisations in the Millennium World Peace Summit held at New York in August 2000 where Swami Sachidanand Bharathi represented it.
Dharma Jyoti
Student's Wing of Dharama Bharathi is Dharma Jyoti.